Anyway, Kishimoto really does suck as a writer. His ideas for a "good" story seem to be a mess of crazy plot twists, but he always fails to deliver a decent explanation for them. Take the Itachi-was-actually-a-good-guy plot twist for example. Kishimoto just wanted a big surprise. The explanations came later, he probably didn't think of them anyway, when he came up with the idea. And still even today the explanations are lacking any logic. Shisui wanted to use his Genjutsu power on Itachi's father to prevent the Uchiha rebellion, but Danzo attacked him before that happened. Shisui gave Itachi his remaining eye. Now WHY DIDN'T ITACHI, THE SO CALLED GENIUS, USE THE GENJUTSU POWER OF SHISUI'S EYE ON HIS FATHER? That would have been the easiest way. No massacre. No trouble. Instead, he killed his whole Clan. Because that was "the only possible way to prevent rebellion". Total Bullshit.